Hi from Spokane:
Odysseus and I came down through the last of British Columbia this morning, passing big ranches at first, and then, later, going through the high desert where they grow all manner of fruit: apples, cherries, grapes-- I could not begin to name them all. Once again I have to say that I am very taken with British Columbia. It is certainly one of the most beautiful and rugged places I've been, yet it also has nice towns and excellent roads. It certainly has a lot going for itself.
Shortly after lunch, Odysseus and I crossed over the border and made our way into upper Washington State. It was rolling prairie up there, with gigantic fields of wheat and hay that stretched as far as the eye could see. Some of them were still green, and others were a beautiful ripe gold. They stretched on mile after mile.
Now I am back in the lower 48 states. I have come full circle, and I can tell you that it feels good to be back -- everything is so much cheaper for one thing. Gas, food, motel rooms -- bargains abound.
And so, my summer's adventure is winding down. Map Quest tells me that I am 12 hours from my son's house in Wyoming. It is Interstate all the way. With any luck I will be there tomorrow evening. A visit there, possibly some motorcycle riding in the Black Hills with my son if he still wants to do that, and then its time to take Odysseus back home to Mt. Carmel. I am certainly looking forward to seeing everyone again.
I thank all of you who followed me on my blog. In case you couldn't tell, I had a marvelous time and learned a lot. I saw tons of wildlife, met many wonderful people, and explored places that I will never get to see again.
Soon it will be back to school for my final year of teaching. In March I plan to ship Odysseus to Germany, and then next summer, if all goes as planned, Odysseus and I will head off to explore more of this beautiful world. I hope you will join me for that trip also.
Saint Augustine once said: "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." I have a lot of reading yet to do.
More later,
The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze.--Richard Bode
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Indians of British Columbia
I left the ferry in Prince Rupert yesterday and started across the Coastal Mountains into the interior of British Columbia. I
had met Richard, a forest service manager in British Columbia, on the ferry, and
he had worked hard to draw a detailed map of Indian Villages I should visit
while I am in B.C.
Richard's map led me to a lava bed which had killed a lot of the indians in the early 1700's. I camped there. In the campsite next to mine was a delightful Indian couple my age. Their English names were Oliver and Debbie. I wish I had taken their picture to show you. They invited me over to their campsite for supper, and we sat and talked for the longest time. Oliver, it turns out, is a chief in his clan, and Debbie, who has traveled all over the world singing and representing her Indian Nation, is considered a princess. How these titles are inherited through the mother’s bloodline, and the many other traditions of their tribe was so interesting, that I sat and listened to Debbie and Oliver for hours.
Following the suggestions of Debbie and Oliver, I visited several Indian Villages and talked with people I met there. I learned a lot about the old ways that they used to do things. I also met
several of the highly educated, younger generation, and they each told me the
same thing: that the old ways are lost now. Very few people know how to live
off the land like their grandparents did.
Now, after a long day of visiting villages, I am in the town
of Smithers, British Columbia. This town is very, very nice: One of those
places where you would not mind living if you had to.
I am camped at the golf course. I had a shower, prepared a good meal of rice and chicken, and went to bed. It
was dark (something unusual), and dry (even more unusual).During the night the sky put on a marvelous display of theNorthern Lights. They looked like bright, shifting clouds overhdad. Unfortunately, the summer sun is still too bright to see them as they look in the winter. Perhaps I will have to come back some day.
Now I am brewing up some coffee to go with my breakfast rolls. I am packed up, and Odysseus and I are ready to head down into the desert. They grow a lot of fruit down there I am told. Already I can see the landscape changing. There are ranches now, and they are mowing hay.
I think it is going to take more time to get across this vast province than I expected, so I had best get going.
Bye for now,
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Prince Rupert
Hi From Prince Rupert.
I left Glacier Bay by ferry and went back to Juneau through
the rain, arriving there late in the evening.
I had a ferry scheduled for the next day. It would take me south to the
end of Alaska. But first I had to spend a night and a day in Juneau.
It was not raining when I set up camp at the Mendenhall
Glacier Campground just outside Juneau, but during the night the rain started
again. There is something hypnotic about rain on a tent roof, but I was not
thrilled to wake up to a cold, foggy, misty day. Plus, I had hours stretching
before me until it was time to get on the ferry. Needing to wait until late
afternoon, I decided to go see Juneau’s Mendenhall Glacier.
There was a baby black bear walking around there, cute as
can be. The rangers were keeping him separate from the visitors. They said they
want him to learn how to be a bear, and so they were trying to prevent his
contact with people.
The trip south on the ferry would be two days and two
nights, stopping in Sitka, Petersburg, Wrangell and Ketchikan. I had been told
that people set up their tents on the fantail (the back) of the boat each night,
and indeed one young couple did that very thing. They were a medical student who was doing
an internship in Juneau and his wife. Most people, though, put out their
sleeping pads in one of the several lounges for the night. It was warm and dry
and quiet in there, and I got an excellent night’s sleep in my little nest.
There were two other bikers on the ferry, both my age. Sue,
from Arizona, has outlived two husbands, Now she travels around in an RV, a
“toy hauler” that has a garage for her motorcycle. She rode her Harley Trike up
to Alaska, and was headed back to Washington where she had left her RV.
John is from Colorado. Like Sue and me, he was finishing up
his Alaska trip and pointing the nose of his Yamaha towards home.
The Inland Passage, I overheard a man say, is the greatest
poor man’s cruise in the world. We traveled along between the Coastal Mountains
on our left and mountainous islands on
our right. Often we went through narrow
channels not much wider than the boat, sharing them with dozens of humpback
whales. We could see the large cruise ships from time to time, far out in the
ocean. They couldn’t come where we were, but when we got to the larger cities,
they would be there too, dumping their passengers out to explore the high
priced souvenir stands and pick up trinkets to help them remember their
once-in-a-lifetime trip. Ugh!
So now I am in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It is the end of the line. Alaska is over for this trip. From here I
will start the long trip back to my son’s home in Wyoming. Richard, a forester
from British Columbia, has been drawing maps for me, helping me plan out stops
at native villages along the way.
As I leave Prince Rupert, I will pass over the Coastal
Mountain Range, leaving the rain forest
of Southeast Alaska behind, and going into the rain shadow desert on the eastern side. I am quite ready for that desert. Let’s hear it for being dry for
a change. Yay!!
Friday, July 13, 2012
I am back in Juneau
I got back to Juneau on the ferry last night. I am camped at the Mendenhal Glacier, the town's main landmark. The campground is very pretty, and only $5.00 (which is right in my price range.)
It rained all night (again) and is very chilly and rainy this morning. I am in a McDonald's enjoying a big breakfast and using their free WiFi.
I catch the ferry to Prince Rupert later today. It is a long way to Prince Rupert (two nights on the ferry). Once there, I will be back in British Columbia and that will be the end of Alaska for me, at least for this trip.
I tried to get a stateroom on the ferry, but they are all booked up. I am told that many people put up their tents on the back deck of the boat and camp there, so I guess that is what I will do too. However, my tent is soaking wet, so I am going to go over to the grocery store across the road from this McDonald's and buy a couple of plastic sacks to put the tent in (It is fine for sleeping in, but I don't want it touching my sleeping bag or sleeping pad in my pack while on the ferry).
I guess I will also buy some food as well, but food on these ferries is quite cheap and very good (and nice and warm too).
I finished my description of Glacier Bay National Park. It is just below this posting.
My next post will probably be from Canada in three days.
It rained all night (again) and is very chilly and rainy this morning. I am in a McDonald's enjoying a big breakfast and using their free WiFi.
I catch the ferry to Prince Rupert later today. It is a long way to Prince Rupert (two nights on the ferry). Once there, I will be back in British Columbia and that will be the end of Alaska for me, at least for this trip.
I tried to get a stateroom on the ferry, but they are all booked up. I am told that many people put up their tents on the back deck of the boat and camp there, so I guess that is what I will do too. However, my tent is soaking wet, so I am going to go over to the grocery store across the road from this McDonald's and buy a couple of plastic sacks to put the tent in (It is fine for sleeping in, but I don't want it touching my sleeping bag or sleeping pad in my pack while on the ferry).
I guess I will also buy some food as well, but food on these ferries is quite cheap and very good (and nice and warm too).
I finished my description of Glacier Bay National Park. It is just below this posting.
My next post will probably be from Canada in three days.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Glacier Bay
This is an update to the Glacier Bay post (An update from Windows wiped out my ability to post. It took me quite a while to figure out the problem. Meanwhile, the wifi in Glacier Bay lodge quit working. Sigh)
I'm sitting in the lodge at Glacier Bay trying to do this posting to my blog. I don't think it will work. There is wireless Internet here, but it is very slow. There is absolutely no phone service, so all my communications have to be through my email, ryoungs2kayak@gmail.com.
It rained again this morning. It has rained every day since I began this trip a little over a month ago. The people here don't like all the rain, although I don't think any of them would trade places with those back home where records are being set the other way: high temperatures and draught. The rain and cold temperatures here are good for the flowers, which grow in verdant abundance, but not so good for the gardens, which refuse to grow at all. What hath God wrought?
I got to Glacier Bay by ferry from Juneau. This is kind of a new thing. Before the State of Alaska began the ferry runs here three years ago, the only way to come was by private boat or airplane.
I started seeing wildlife as soon as Odysseus and I rode up the steep ramp out of the boat. These bald eagles were all over the beach fighting over fish. There were dozens of them. I was not able to stop and get a good picture. That is one of my goals when I catch the ferry back to Juneau tomorrow.
Just a few minutes later we saw a whole herd of mountain goats cavorting around on the sheer cliffs. I think you or I would have fallen off into the bay. Since none of the goats looked too wet, I guess they don't fall into the water much.
Soon, we were to the main event of the day: the glaciers. Noisy, booming things they were, calving off big chunks, dropping them into the water, and making huge waves. Somebody took my picture with the glacier in the background. I took some pictures of the icebergs falling off the glacier, but it turns out that still pictures of falling ice are rather much of a bore, not at all like actually being there watching it happen.
So here is a picture of me instead (I bet most people would rather see ice falling off the glacier :-)
These orcas were playing all around the boat. They were a male and female according to our on-board ranger. I wonder what orcas play. It can't be hide-and-seek I think. The ranger said they were feeding, and I guess he should know. Like children, they would not pose for me (Bad Orcas!) so I apologise for the poor quality of the picture. The same could be said of the humpback whale we saw. I could not get a good picture of him either.
As I said, I am camping here in Glacier Bay Park. This area is a rainforest, all drippy and mossy. I have enjoyed walking the trails. This is a picture of a sphagnum bog close to my tent.
What would you think if you came around a bend in the trail and saw this guy carved into a tree?
It is a Tlingit Indian totem. It means "This trail belongs to the Eagle Clan". The Indians came and talked with us one night at the Park. Very interesting.
Now it is time for me to catch the ferry back to Juneau. Tall with you later.
Stay tuned
This is an update to the Glacier Bay post (An update from Windows wiped out my ability to post. It took me quite a while to figure out the problem. Meanwhile, the wifi in Glacier Bay lodge quit working. Sigh)
I'm sitting in the lodge at Glacier Bay trying to do this posting to my blog. I don't think it will work. There is wireless Internet here, but it is very slow. There is absolutely no phone service, so all my communications have to be through my email, ryoungs2kayak@gmail.com.
It rained again this morning. It has rained every day since I began this trip a little over a month ago. The people here don't like all the rain, although I don't think any of them would trade places with those back home where records are being set the other way: high temperatures and draught. The rain and cold temperatures here are good for the flowers, which grow in verdant abundance, but not so good for the gardens, which refuse to grow at all. What hath God wrought?
I got to Glacier Bay by ferry from Juneau. This is kind of a new thing. Before the State of Alaska began the ferry runs here three years ago, the only way to come was by private boat or airplane.
I started seeing wildlife as soon as Odysseus and I rode up the steep ramp out of the boat. These bald eagles were all over the beach fighting over fish. There were dozens of them. I was not able to stop and get a good picture. That is one of my goals when I catch the ferry back to Juneau tomorrow.
I drove immediately to Glacier Bay National Park where I checked on lodging. As I suspected, rooms here are terribly expensive ($200 per night). Camping, however, is free and is in a beautiful rainforest down by the beach. Lets see: free camping with bears and rain, or $600 for three nights in a warm room with soft beds. No contest. Remember, my nickname is tightwad.
The money I saved by camping more than paid for the all day boat ride out into Glacier Bay. I had already met the ranger who went out on the boat with us. His name is Kevin, and he has a job with the government which allows him time to travel all over the world (He's not very rich though, since he only works about three months a year. Still, he was a really cool guy, and a biology major like me.
The first thing he showed us was this island full of seals. They were a lazy and sleepy bunch, but also very noisy. Maybe they are big snorers. Nah--just kidding.
There were birds all over the place. Here are two of my favorites. Try to guess what they are--
They are puffins; horned puffins to be exact. There were tufted puffins there too, and I got their picture as well, but I won't bore you with with pictures of them-- when you've seen one puffin you've seen the lot.
Soon we came to a rocky beach where we let off some of the sea kayakers we had on board. They were planning a week of exploring out there. We had just seen a mama grizzly with two cubs (one black and the other silver--very cute) and also a pair of wolves, but nobody seemed too concerned. Brave people, these kayakers.
Just a few minutes later we saw a whole herd of mountain goats cavorting around on the sheer cliffs. I think you or I would have fallen off into the bay. Since none of the goats looked too wet, I guess they don't fall into the water much.
Soon, we were to the main event of the day: the glaciers. Noisy, booming things they were, calving off big chunks, dropping them into the water, and making huge waves. Somebody took my picture with the glacier in the background. I took some pictures of the icebergs falling off the glacier, but it turns out that still pictures of falling ice are rather much of a bore, not at all like actually being there watching it happen.
So here is a picture of me instead (I bet most people would rather see ice falling off the glacier :-)
These orcas were playing all around the boat. They were a male and female according to our on-board ranger. I wonder what orcas play. It can't be hide-and-seek I think. The ranger said they were feeding, and I guess he should know. Like children, they would not pose for me (Bad Orcas!) so I apologise for the poor quality of the picture. The same could be said of the humpback whale we saw. I could not get a good picture of him either.
As I said, I am camping here in Glacier Bay Park. This area is a rainforest, all drippy and mossy. I have enjoyed walking the trails. This is a picture of a sphagnum bog close to my tent.
What would you think if you came around a bend in the trail and saw this guy carved into a tree?
It is a Tlingit Indian totem. It means "This trail belongs to the Eagle Clan". The Indians came and talked with us one night at the Park. Very interesting.
Now it is time for me to catch the ferry back to Juneau. Tall with you later.
Stay tuned
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Hi from Juneau, Alaska
Odysseus and I rode the Marine Highway Ferry System from Haines to Juneau last night. It turns out that riding those ferrys is not all that expensive, and it is the only way to get to the cities in Southeast Alaska. Imagine, a capital city that the governor can only get to by ferry or flying.
Here is the ferry we rode. When it came our turn, I was to ride Odysseus down that blue ramp into the car deck and then tie him down so he couldn't fall over as the ship moved with the waves.
Give up? He is a Cedar Waxwing. Don't get to see many of them at home, and those we do see look a little different.
Here is the ferry we rode. When it came our turn, I was to ride Odysseus down that blue ramp into the car deck and then tie him down so he couldn't fall over as the ship moved with the waves.
We were right at the front of the line but, as usual, we were the very last to get on board. That's OK though. Last on; first off.
These two are the rarest of all animals, the Bicycularis idiosis. I saw people riding heavily loaded bicycles all over Alaska, just huffing and puffing up the mountains, miles from anywhere, and making hardly any time. I remember when Patrice and I did exactly the same thing on our bicycles in the British Isles years ago. Now, when we see someone traveling by bike, we just shake our heads and say "never again".
I have used a lot of superlative adjectives in describing this summer's trip, but all of them fall a little short when applied to Alaska's Inland Waterway. I sat in the observation lounge at the front of the ship and watched in awe, with sheer mountains on the left, covered with snow and dripping waterfalls, and mountainous islands on the right, equally beautiful. Everyone kept an eagle eye out for sea otters, whales, eagles . . . . I wish I had pictures to do it justice.
It was nearing midnight when we got to Juneau and I got Odysseus off the ferry. I had booked the Alaska Hotel in town sight unseen from the Juneau travel brochure. I had a terrible time negotiating the one-way streets to find the place. I finally located it in the downtown tavern district. I parked in front, looked at the drunks standing around, bottles in their hands, and immediately started having second thoughts about the historic Alaska Hotel. To get into the place, I had to go through the packed saloon. The night manager showed me my room, a dreary place with throbbing music from the bar coming up through the floor. I left at once, and started hotel hopping until I found a cheap place ($178.00) a few miles away. Whew.
But here is the same area in the daytime. It is a mecca of shops and ice cream stores for the tourists off the huge cruise ships in the harbor.
And here is one of the huge cruise ships. I am in awe at how enormous those things are. It holds more people than the population of my home city, Mt. Carmel.
The sea plane was one of several I watched take off and land in the harbor, ferrying people out to see the icefield that hangs over Juneau. I am camped at one of the tongues of the icefield, Mendenhall Glacier. It is very pretty there, and only $5.00 per night, including showers, so I am happy.
Juneau is in the big tempertate rainforest that covers southeast Alaska. I spent a good part of the day hiking in the rainforest. It is hard to get pictures in there, but I did get a pretty good shot of this guy. Do you know what he is?
Give up? He is a Cedar Waxwing. Don't get to see many of them at home, and those we do see look a little different.
I can't resist putting another shot of a wild animal on here for you. Yep, it's me. I'm up on a hill overlooking the city. Time for me to put myself to bed. I have to be at the ferry no later than 5 a.m. tomorrow to catch my ride to Glacier Bay. At least it is dark a little while at night now, so I plan to sleep well. Hope the bears stay away. I plan to keep my bear spray handy.
Next report will be when I get back from Glacier Bay. So, bye for now.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Haines, Alaska
Hi From Haines, Alaska,
I drove down here from Fairbanks in a fast two day trip. Much of the drive was the same as I have reported on in the past. The last 200 miles was through part of Yukon Territory and a little bit of British Columbia. When I checked in at the Alaska border after coming out of British Columbia, the border crossing official wanted to talk motorcycles, so that was kind of a break in an otherwise long day.
Those last two days were way up on the top of the world. The mountains were there, certainly, but it was as if I was right in the peaks. Rather pretty.
I did take a picture up there, but it is on my iphone and won't upload. So, no pictures in this report.
It rained all night, and has been raining all day. The forecast calls for this pattern to continue throughout the next week.
I went to the ferry terminal a little while ago and booked passage to Juneau, Alaska for this evening. Tomorrow, if all goes as planned, I hope to go to Glacier Bay. I should have lots of things to tell you about that place, and lots of pictures too.
I am in the public library at Haines now, just typing away.
More later,
I drove down here from Fairbanks in a fast two day trip. Much of the drive was the same as I have reported on in the past. The last 200 miles was through part of Yukon Territory and a little bit of British Columbia. When I checked in at the Alaska border after coming out of British Columbia, the border crossing official wanted to talk motorcycles, so that was kind of a break in an otherwise long day.
Those last two days were way up on the top of the world. The mountains were there, certainly, but it was as if I was right in the peaks. Rather pretty.
I did take a picture up there, but it is on my iphone and won't upload. So, no pictures in this report.
It rained all night, and has been raining all day. The forecast calls for this pattern to continue throughout the next week.
I went to the ferry terminal a little while ago and booked passage to Juneau, Alaska for this evening. Tomorrow, if all goes as planned, I hope to go to Glacier Bay. I should have lots of things to tell you about that place, and lots of pictures too.
I am in the public library at Haines now, just typing away.
More later,
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happpy 4th of July
Happy 4th of July from Seward, Alaska.
I am on the Kenai Peninsula, a land of fjords, bays, and mountains that march right down into the sea. I rode down here from Anchorage, coming along the ocean and watching out for bears.
When it came time to camp the first night, a man asked me if I had a dog (obviously not) or a gun (uh, no). He suggested I go way up a gravel road to an old gold mine, and not to camp at the bear infested glacier.
I was surprised when I got to the abandoned gold mine to camp, because there was a wedding going on: bluegrass music, people in tuxedos and gowns, drinks in their hands. I found some other tent campers, and set up, anxious about the bears.
The next day I went to Wrangel Alaska. To get there one has to go through a narrow railroad tunnel. It is two and a half miles long, and they only let cars through every half hour. They made me go last because there are sometimes motorcycle accidents in there. These happen, I guess, when the motorcycle tires get over into the railroad tracks. I had no problems with the tunnel, but I found that the town itself has nothing at all to recommend it. There was a gigantic cruise ship docked there, and it was disgorging hundreds of passengers. I bet they were surprised at the dismal little town.
Here is the entrance to the tunnel. I am waiting my turn to go through.
The entire peninsula is mountainous. The feet of the mountains reach across the valleys, U shaped because of glaciation. The mountains' shoulders are green with spruce, willow, columbine, and many other plants. Snow reaches clear down to the valley floor, and makes thousands of waterfalls as it melts. I think it is cloudy much of the time. It certainly has been since I got here. All the mountains have their heads in the clouds.
The big parade starts in a few minutes. I want to see that, and then maybe I will head back to Anchorage. I have to pick up a part for Odysseus, my motorcycle, and then from there head down toward Haines.
More later,
I am on the Kenai Peninsula, a land of fjords, bays, and mountains that march right down into the sea. I rode down here from Anchorage, coming along the ocean and watching out for bears.
When it came time to camp the first night, a man asked me if I had a dog (obviously not) or a gun (uh, no). He suggested I go way up a gravel road to an old gold mine, and not to camp at the bear infested glacier.
I was surprised when I got to the abandoned gold mine to camp, because there was a wedding going on: bluegrass music, people in tuxedos and gowns, drinks in their hands. I found some other tent campers, and set up, anxious about the bears.
The next day I went to Wrangel Alaska. To get there one has to go through a narrow railroad tunnel. It is two and a half miles long, and they only let cars through every half hour. They made me go last because there are sometimes motorcycle accidents in there. These happen, I guess, when the motorcycle tires get over into the railroad tracks. I had no problems with the tunnel, but I found that the town itself has nothing at all to recommend it. There was a gigantic cruise ship docked there, and it was disgorging hundreds of passengers. I bet they were surprised at the dismal little town.
Here is the entrance to the tunnel. I am waiting my turn to go through.
The entire peninsula is mountainous. The feet of the mountains reach across the valleys, U shaped because of glaciation. The mountains' shoulders are green with spruce, willow, columbine, and many other plants. Snow reaches clear down to the valley floor, and makes thousands of waterfalls as it melts. I think it is cloudy much of the time. It certainly has been since I got here. All the mountains have their heads in the clouds.
On top of the mountains, and covering the entire peninsula, there is a gigantic ice field. I wanted to see it, and hiked a long way up into the mountains through the snow to do that.
I hiked for hours, going higher and higher until I got into the clouds. Once up there, I realized I would not be able to actually look out across the ice field. I was disappointed because it must be something like looking across a vast sea made of ice.
I did see a lot of interesting things though, so the hike was not at all a waste of time.
This little guy was very interested in me. They call him a Marmot here, but personally I think he is a Groundhog. After a while he got tired of me and went into his home under the ground.
I wanted to show you this picture of a tiny lupine because it is covered in ice. How would you like to try growing in such conditions?
Hiking here was like walking through a garden. Pictures do not at all do it justice.
I am in the town of Seward, Alaska now, camping in one of their city parks. This town is marvelous. It is about the same size as Mt. Carmel, my home town, and it is a very popular fishing and sight-seeing destination. People come here to fish, explore the fjords, sea kayak, climb on the glaciers, hunt, and do much more.
They are celebrating the 4th of July today, and the town is packed. They started at midnight last night, shooting off fireworks into the rainy sky. Today, they are having a massive race from main street, up into a mountain, and back. The racers come back down covered in mud, many of them bleeding, and all of them having a good time. It is fun to listen to the announcer tell where the racers come from; kids and women and men from all over Alaska.
More later,
Sunday, July 1, 2012
I am in Anchorage
Hi from Anchorage, Alaska
The three guys from Indiana, the Swiss guy from Wisconsin, and I drove our motorcycles from Fairbanks to Denali National Park Thursday. Denali is west of Fairbanks, about half way to Anchorage. Denali is always a highlight of any trip to Alaska because it is the highest mountain in North America, and one of the highest in the world.
Once we got to Denali National Park, we set up camp and promptly signed up to take a bus trip to see the park. The bus is the only way people are allowed to visit the park, and it takes people a long way, dropping them off if they want to hike and explore.
We were disappointed that we could not see the actual Denali Mountain. As usually happens on almost every day of the year, the sky was cloudy and the big mountain was covered. We were able to see quite a lot of the Alaskan Range of mountains, though. They looked like this------
The three guys from Indiana, the Swiss guy from Wisconsin, and I drove our motorcycles from Fairbanks to Denali National Park Thursday. Denali is west of Fairbanks, about half way to Anchorage. Denali is always a highlight of any trip to Alaska because it is the highest mountain in North America, and one of the highest in the world.
Once we got to Denali National Park, we set up camp and promptly signed up to take a bus trip to see the park. The bus is the only way people are allowed to visit the park, and it takes people a long way, dropping them off if they want to hike and explore.
We were disappointed that we could not see the actual Denali Mountain. As usually happens on almost every day of the year, the sky was cloudy and the big mountain was covered. We were able to see quite a lot of the Alaskan Range of mountains, though. They looked like this------
These caribou antlers were just lying there on the ground. I couldn't resist adding them to the picture. They came off one of these guys-------
He was just trotting along trying to look cool, but I think he looks rather motley myself. I guess he will look better by Autumn when he will need to impress the women caribou. Caribou, apparently, do not shed their antlers like the whitetail deer back home do. The reason I think this is because every set of antlers I found in Denali still had the skull attached. Quite a thing to lose your head over.
This big boy was sleeping just off the road, but he decided to get up and amble around a little. Look at how wet he is. I would get up too if I were being rained on like he was.
The next day, it was time for Bob from Wisconsin to head home. His vacation was over. While he headed back east, the rest of us continued on to Talkeetna. This funky little town is where all the mountain climbers start from. They fly from there and land on a glacier on the mountain, and then start their climb from the plane. It usually takes them about three weeks to do the total climb.
There was a time, not all that long ago, when I would have wanted very much to climb that mountain too. Sigh!
They say that only about 16% of the people who visit Denali get to actually see it, but look-- there it is.
I took this picture beside the river that flows along at the end of the main street in Talkeetna. Now I belong to the 16% club! Wow! How far away would you say that mountain is in this picture? Give up? It is 60 miles away. Big, isn't it. It is over 20,000 feet high. That's almost 4 miles high. Wow, again!
It was lucky for me that I ran into those guys from Indiana because they have friends who have friends who have --- In other words, they have connections everywhere. One of these connections has a lodge in Talkeetna and graciously let us use it. We did laundry. Slept late. Explored the artsy little town. It was great.
Today, the Indiana crew had to start thinking about heading back home and back to work and responsibilities. As for me, I am moving on down the highway. I left them studying their maps and discussing their plans, and I headed on for the seacoast.
So here I am, in Anchorage, beside the ocean. It is time for me to be thinking about where I am going to stay tonight. Time to close down and start looking on the internet for a campground. Tomorrow, I am off to Seward.
More later,
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Good Morning from Fairbanks, Alaska
I am still riding with the Indiana/Wisconsin guys. We wanted to go up the Haul Road (Also known as the Depster Highway). It is the one made famous in the Ice Road Trucker TV shows. It has a reputation for being very hard, so first I had to get new tires for Odysseus. My old tires were worn bare.
But after a day and a half or riding, we reached the great industrial complex of Prudhoe Bay. Quite a place it is. Oil well companies every where. They showed us where the oil enters the pipeline. Here I am in this picture standing in the Arctic Ocean.
About that time, my bike got so it wouldn't shift anymore. I had to get it fixed, but I had to do that back in Fairbanks, 500 miles away. So, I got up early in the morning, leaving the other guys in their soft beds, and started my slow, lonely trip back.
Once back in Fairbanks, I went immediately to the Suzuki dealership. Both Odysseus and I were filthy dirty, but the guys in the dealership dropped everything to help us out. In less than an hour, they had fixed my shifter, put on new brake pads, tightened all the bolts and replaced those things that had fallen off on the haul road, and changed my oil. All for $125.00. I couldn't believe it. I am so appreciative.
Some friends of friends, Phillip and Josie, had been kind enough to store a bunch of our gear for us as we rode the Haul Road. When the Indiana riders finally caught up with me, we went to Phillip's and Josie's home to retrive our gear. Surprise, they had a fantastic meal of caribou appetizers, spaghetti, and moose meatballs waiting for us. What great people.
So, after a good nights sleep, I am typing this, doing some laundry, and getting ready to head for Denali. The sun is coming out. Should be a good day.
More later,
I am still riding with the Indiana/Wisconsin guys. We wanted to go up the Haul Road (Also known as the Depster Highway). It is the one made famous in the Ice Road Trucker TV shows. It has a reputation for being very hard, so first I had to get new tires for Odysseus. My old tires were worn bare.
I bought my tires at the Harley shop. They won't work on a Suzuki, but they would sell me tires and mount them on the wheel if I would take them off the bike. The other guys did most of the work. Odysseus looks a little strange here with no legs.
But soon we were on the road again, and before long, just north of Fairbanks, we reached the Arctic Circle.
Of course, we stopped and took each others pictures. This one may have to go in a frame and get hung on a wall at home.
The road is dusty and broken in places, rocky in other places, but paved and nice quite often. They don't like this dust, so they run water trucks up and down the road. This turns it into slime which is slick as goose droppings on a hot griddle. The dust coated our bikes and turned into a solid, rock-like substance. And when it rained or when they watered the road, we would slip and slide all over ther place. You just have to let the bike squirm around underneath you and go with the flow. It doesn't do to try and fight it.
After awhile, we had to go up and over the rugged Brooks Mountain Chain. It got foggy and misty up there, and it was hard riding with water and dust over the visor of the helmet, and the road all slick and broken. I dropped down out of the fog once, and right there in front of me was a big mama moose with her young calf. Quite impressive (but moose are not very pretty, I hate to say).
When we dropped down out of the mountains, we were in the famous North Slope -- famous because it is here that they drill for all the oil.
It is cold and frozen up therer on the North Slope, all tundra and Caribou and musk oxen (which did not put in an appearance for us), and tons of mosquitoes (which did apperar in hungry clouds). It is pretty though. The big caribou herd (thousands of animals) is due to arrive next week. They will have missed us. I bet they will be sorry about that.
The gas stations are far apart. We stopped and topped off each time we came to one. Notice the price: $5.39 a gallon. They take all that oil from up there, pump it to Valdez. Truck it to a refinery. Then truck the gas back up the Haul Road to the few gas stations like this one. Whew!
They work on the road all the time. I didn't enjoy standing in the mosquitoes waiting our turn to drive through the rocky, torn-up road. It was quite a challenge.
About that time, my bike got so it wouldn't shift anymore. I had to get it fixed, but I had to do that back in Fairbanks, 500 miles away. So, I got up early in the morning, leaving the other guys in their soft beds, and started my slow, lonely trip back.
Once back in Fairbanks, I went immediately to the Suzuki dealership. Both Odysseus and I were filthy dirty, but the guys in the dealership dropped everything to help us out. In less than an hour, they had fixed my shifter, put on new brake pads, tightened all the bolts and replaced those things that had fallen off on the haul road, and changed my oil. All for $125.00. I couldn't believe it. I am so appreciative.
Some friends of friends, Phillip and Josie, had been kind enough to store a bunch of our gear for us as we rode the Haul Road. When the Indiana riders finally caught up with me, we went to Phillip's and Josie's home to retrive our gear. Surprise, they had a fantastic meal of caribou appetizers, spaghetti, and moose meatballs waiting for us. What great people.
So, after a good nights sleep, I am typing this, doing some laundry, and getting ready to head for Denali. The sun is coming out. Should be a good day.
More later,
Sunday, June 24, 2012
posting comments
I have been told that it is difficult to figure out how to post comments or send me email. At the bottom of each post is something that says 0 comments. Click on that and you can send me your comment (email). The comment will not show up on the blog unless I just happen to think it is something that others might want to read.
Fairbanks, Alaska
I have been riding with Ron and Les ever since I met them in British Columbia. We had camped in Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon Territory, and then we rode up along the Yukon River to Dawson City, the second largest town in the Yukon Territory.
Not many years ago, the only way to get from Whitehorse to Dawson City was by riding the stern wheeler which is now docked in Whitehorse. Back then, the road did not exist.
The boat ran off wood, and they cut down trees all along the river to feed it. When they built the road we traveled up to Dawson City, they started letting the trees grow back. They are still young, though, and the ride is not all that pretty. There is not a lot to recommend it, at least not compared to all the beauty we have been riding through on the rest of this trip up north.
Dawson City was a rip-roaring town back in gold rush days. Today, it only has about 1200 people. It isn't much of a town, but every year bikers from all over North America descend on the place for the Dust 2 Dawson Rally. When that event happens, the population of Dawson City goes up by hundreds of bikers. It is kind of a famous event, sponsored by the Adventure Rider "Club" which I happen to belong to.
And there is Odysseus, tucked away among the hundreds of motorcycles lined up on both sides of main street. Do you suppose this is what the horses once looked like back in the day that cowboys came to town?
I really enjoyed Dust 2 Dawson City.One of my favorite activities was the Poker Run. It was the first time I had ever done something like that. The route of the Run went up gravel roads and across mountains and past mining sites. It was a dusty, fun experience.

It never gets dark here at this time of year. That makes it a little hard to sleep. Here is a picture I took of my tent in the woods at midnight. I did not use a flash.
Not many years ago, the only way to get from Whitehorse to Dawson City was by riding the stern wheeler which is now docked in Whitehorse. Back then, the road did not exist.
The boat ran off wood, and they cut down trees all along the river to feed it. When they built the road we traveled up to Dawson City, they started letting the trees grow back. They are still young, though, and the ride is not all that pretty. There is not a lot to recommend it, at least not compared to all the beauty we have been riding through on the rest of this trip up north.
Dawson City was a rip-roaring town back in gold rush days. Today, it only has about 1200 people. It isn't much of a town, but every year bikers from all over North America descend on the place for the Dust 2 Dawson Rally. When that event happens, the population of Dawson City goes up by hundreds of bikers. It is kind of a famous event, sponsored by the Adventure Rider "Club" which I happen to belong to.
And there is Odysseus, tucked away among the hundreds of motorcycles lined up on both sides of main street. Do you suppose this is what the horses once looked like back in the day that cowboys came to town?
I really enjoyed Dust 2 Dawson City.One of my favorite activities was the Poker Run. It was the first time I had ever done something like that. The route of the Run went up gravel roads and across mountains and past mining sites. It was a dusty, fun experience.
Here is one of the stops on the Poker Run. Not all the stops were up in the mountain. This one is actually pretty close to town. Can you see the woman on porch of the brothel. She is waving and welcoming us to town.
And this is at one of the Poker Run stops up in the mountains. I was not very lucky drawing my poker cards, but I was lucky to have met these four guys (Actually, I met them much earlier in British Columbia, but I got reacquainted with them here at Dawson City). They are Bob from Wisconsin, and Kevin, Nick and Rusty from Indiana-- four very fine riders and equally fine friends. They were all riding Dual Sport bikes.
The Dust 2 Dawson Rally was filled with activities to do. At midnight, there were contests on main street (riding straight lines and riding blindfolded and so forth. There was also a huge banquet in the town's hocky rink (which was ice-less at this time of year).
This is Ron and Les at the banquet. The food was excellent, but first we needed to polish off a beer or two.
I had planned to stay at a hotel in Dawson City, but that didn't work out. Forunately, there is a nice campground just across the Yukon River. Bob was camping there too. There is a free ferry that takes vehicles across the river. I took this picture on the ferry as I was going to my campsite about 11 p.m. one night.

It never gets dark here at this time of year. That makes it a little hard to sleep. Here is a picture I took of my tent in the woods at midnight. I did not use a flash.
People seem to stay awake all night long up here. It is so easy to get your hours mixed up when there are 24 hours of daylight. I wonder what people do in the winter when there are 24 hours of darkness. Hibernate, maybe?
The last of the Dust 2 Dawson activities ended long after midnight on the final day, but I was too much of a wimp to stick with them. I went back, got into my tent, covered up my head to block the light, and went to sleep.
Early in the morning, Kevin, Nick and Rusty came over on the ferry. Robert and I were at the entrance to the campground, waiting for them, and the five of us headed over the mountains across the Top of the World Highway toward Alaska.
The Top of the World Highway is not actually a highway. It is a gravel road. We rode along with our bikes just a-skittering around under us. It is like trying to ride a fish. But lookie, lookie------------
Odysseus and I are in Alaska. Hooray!
And now I am in Fairbanks. I get to sleep in tomorrow morning. I wonder if I will be able to.
More later,
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